Noah on the other hand got a free trip to Happyville, USA! A couple of years ago he really freaked out in the chair and had to be sedated. Since then they give him the Noxide and anything else we can think of. Enjoy the show!
I'm so happy!
Bright light, bright light!
I see dead people!
Don't worry, he's not having a seizure!
How in the world did you keep from laughing? Miss Piggy?! That's funny. And the best is when he is just lying there quietly and BAM! Here he goes again. Love it. And I love that I can totally relate with my own boys!!
Dental clinics are fun, especially for kids, since there are usually places where they can play while waiting. Some dentists even give different goodies to kids, before they start working on the teeth, as a distraction. You know, that would be pretty nice for adults as well, when you think about it. Anyway, it's pretty brave of your kid to not get numbed.
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