Saturday, November 15, 2008

I'm Sick of Being Sick

I thought it was about time for a new look! Do you like it? Kind of fun for winter!

Well I have been sick for a week now and I'm sick of it!!! It started last Friday with a sore throat. Joe & I went to Salt Lake to a viewing. My friend's Mom passed away. Then we headed to the Jazz game. Joe's boss had given him tickets. We had great seats on row 17! They played Oklahoma and won! It was alot of fun! But I felt misserable the whole time. Not only was my throat sore, but those have got to be the most uncomforable seats in Utah!

Sunday morning I really felt terrible but I was conducting in primary and I had sharing time. Double whammy!

Monday I worked.

Tuesday I went to school, work and played a soccer game at 7:20. We tied 5-5.

Wednesday I went to parent teacher conf., work and had a soccer game at 10:20 p.m. WE WON!!!! I was the happiest girl on the planet!!! The team we beat has not lost a game this session!! The score was 8-5! It was awesome!!!!! But by the time I got home, showered and got in bed it was midnight. I could not go to sleep for anything!!! I only had a few hour sleep when I had to get up and get ready for school.

Thursday I went to school and work. I left work early because it wasn't busy enough to justify my being there and I felt like CRAP!

Friday I cleaned house, went to the grocery store, made dinner, etc.

This morning we took Noah & Amanda to Disney on Ice. We won 4 free tickets for a coloring contest the kids did. Lukas & Josh didn't want to go. I guess they're getting too old. I have just been taking it easy today. Let's hope this cold goes away soon! Now Josh has it and has been coughing up a lung. Time to get out the Lysol and kill all the germs in the house!


The Barker Clan said...

Love it Kami. My creative little friend. You need to make me a special one so I can feel SPECIAL too.

Emily said...

So sorry you've been sick! That's the worst when your life won't let you shut down for a bit. Hope you're feeling better and that Noah doesn't get too bad.

LeeAnn said...

I guess I haven't seen you for awhile at work, I hope you feel better soon.

MARS said...

yay for being sick!! i think i've been sick since about the 2nd day i got here, so i feel your pain! that's super funny about shari and the divorce thing. i know...the craziest things get spread around, it's so funny. well i hope work is going good, i wrote norma the other day and she wrote back; she makes me laugh. anyway tell everyone hello and i really do miss work!!