Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Another Halloween has come and gone. While I enjoy taking the kids trick-or-treating and all the fun, the whole costume thing is so stressful. I hate spending the money on something that is so temporary, but the kids love it! This year we were able to put together some pretty good costumes for very little money. The weather was so great for the BIG night of Halloween! We had a little sprinkling rain here and there, but it was very warm. It was a great change! We made our way around the neighborhood, to "The Halloween House" (the kids call it that all year round)and we even went to another subdivision to a haunted house. Amanda was stuck to me like Saran Wrap the whole way through, and then as soon as we were out she exclaimed, "Let's go again!!" We ended up at Mom & Dad's for chilli, french bread, apple cider and brownies. YUM! We watched the movie Penelope, which was very cute! Great fun!
Kudos to Taryn for Josh's hair & make-up. Josh wanted to be a Goth dude but after seeing him I told him he should tell people he is Edward from Twilight! He looked awesome!

Lukas is really into pirates right now, hence the costume! He looks pretty scary!

Noah wanted to be Elvis (Jailhouse Rock Elvis) but we couldn't find one. I'm kind of glad because I think he makes a darling Harry Potter!

Amanda was set on being Ariel. I tried to get her to let me do her hair cute but she refused. She was happy!

The whole gang!

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