Friday, September 19, 2008

Ketchup time...

Another busy week has come and gone so I thought I would take a couple of minutes before I dive into my homework to update the ole' bloggity blog blog!

Last Satuday we had our ?-Annual Neighborhood Block Party. I'm not sure how many years they have done it now but I know it's atleast 6 or 7?!? They had it in the culdasac behind us and it was alot of fun. They set up table and chairs, grilled hamburger and hot dogs, had homemade rootbeer and everyone brought a side dish to share. It was fun to meet new neighbor and visit with others that I only see in passing in the "hood" or at church. They had a silent auction to raise money for next years event, a face painting table, a fish pond and the Cub Scouts sold snow cones for $1 for a fundraiser. It was a great success!
Party in the hood!

Sunday I was asked to meet with the Bishop before church and was given a new calling. I am the 1st Counselor in the new primary presidency. I am excited about the new adventure but sad to be leaving my Wolves! Jamie and I have had so much fun with them! They are such a cute group of boys! But atleast I still see them each week and since I am over the scouts I can be sure that they are well taken care of! I am exicited to work with Angie, Andrea and Emily! Fun, cute girls! Come to think of it I think I'm the oldest one of the group?!? That's weird! It's okay! After 3 weeks in school I'm getting used to that feeling!

Amanda has been telling me for about a month that she wants to get her hair cut short. The scary thing is that the style she was describing was a mullet: short bangs around to the back of her ears (so that everyone can see her earrings) and long in the back! No can do sister!! I told her I would make her an appointment. I told my mom just last week that every time her hair gets all to the length that I can pull it all back in a pony tail, she cuts it herself. This has happened twice! So Wed. morning I am getting her ready for school and suddenly realize that her hair is shorter on one side than the other!! She freakin' cut her hair AGAIN!!!!! I'm pretty sure I get the award for the kid who has cut her own hair the most times!!! I couldn't believe it!! She said she cut it at school. I asked her if her teacher knew and she said, "No" because she put the glob of hair in her desk so she wouldn't get in trouble and have to pull a card!! FABULOUS!!! Who does that?!? Apparently there is some sort of disconnect in her pretty little head that dosen't link cutting her hair and getting in trouble to this is a colossal bad idea, DON"T DO IT!! I don't get it! So yesterday we made a trip to Sheryl's house for a haircut. I think it looks really cute on her! I think we will keep it this way and avoid the drama. Her hair looks more healthy when it is short. So all in all it turned out for the best! Maybe she's going to be a hair stylist??


Well that's the highlights of my week! I have a buch of cute pics to post but my computer/camera is being retarded so I might have to try to add them later. Precious homework time is ticking away! Tomorrow is Heather and Corey's wedding, finally! I am excited for them!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Hey Kami, I meant to tell you how cute Amanda's new haircut is. Funny story though, I'm sitting here in my empty house laughing out loud. You definitely get the award.
Happy Homework!